Thursday, March 21, 2013

One Two Som

Place: Anywhere

Number of players: Two

Equipments : Your hands  


1.2 players decide how points would they like. Let’s say 5.
2.Then the players puts one hand at the back so that it is unseen by the other player.
3.The players would start by saying, ‘one-two-som’ or ‘one-two-jus’. then takes out
either a bird, stone or water. See figure.
4.The birds wins water, the water wins stone and the stone wins the bird.
5.The player will get 1 point if his element wins the other player. This goes on until
he get’ s five points.
6.If  the elements are the same, it is considered a draw and no points will be given
and the game continues.

- Each player would have to take their hands out the same time.

Galah Panjang

Galah panjang is a traditional game played on a court drawn on the vacant land. Tennis made ​​containing two columns and several rows depending on the number of players. Long pole ring is made according to the number of players playing long pole. For example if there are 10 players, tennis made ​​consists of 4 lines. If the number of eight players, tennis pnjang pole consists of 3 lines. The game involves the expertise of a chief or capital to control movement on behalf of the children of the control field. While the efficiency and speed tested to the ring to face. If the court has the discretion to face to face the court, then they can win easily.

Nenek - Nenek Si Bongkok Tiga @ Cari Cucu

Pernahkah anda medengar tentang permainan "Cari Cucu"? Ini merupakan salah satu permainan Melayu yang popular di kalangan kanak-kanak. Terus terang, saya pernah mendengar dan bermain permainan ini tetapi versinya berlainan sedikit kerana ia dalam bahasa yang berlainan. Begitupun, ia tetap permainan yang amat menyeronokkan! Baiklah, di kesempatan ini saya ingin bercerita serba sedikit tentang permainan ini. Permainan "Cari Cucu" memerlukan bilangan orang yang ramai. Biasanya, permainan ini dimain di kawasan yang besar seperti gelanggang ataupun di luar rumah. Yang istimewanya, permainan ini memerlukan peralatan dan dua lagu yang amat merdu. Peralatannya adalah sebuah kain untuk menutup mata si "nenek" dan kedua, sebuah tongkat untuk diberi kepada nenek untuk dipegang. Terdapat dua buah lagu yang dinyanyikan. Salah satu untuk si "cucu" dan yang lagi satu untuk si "nenek" itu.

Pertama, kita harus menentukan siapa yang akan bergelar "nenek". Ini dilakukan dengan pelbagai cara. Contohnya, undian ditentukan dengan "lai la li tam plong". Setelah itu, si nenek akan menutup matanya dengan kain hitam dan akan memegang sebuah tongkat. Cucu-cucu harus membentuk satu bulatan dan si "nenek" akan berada di tengah bulatan itu. Setelah itu, si "cucu" akan mendendangkan sebuah lagu -

Nenek, nenek,si bongkok tiga.
Siang mengantuk,malam berjaga.
Mencari cucudimana berada.
Nenek kahwindengan anak raja.
(Anda mesti pernah mendengarnya, bukan?)

Ketika cucu-cucu sibuk menyanyi, mulalah perlakonan si "nenek" bekelakuan seperti seorang nenek tua seperti berbongkok-bongkok. Selesai itu, si nenek pula akan mendengdangkan nyanyiannya yang berbunyi seperti ini-

Cucu, cucu tak dapat lari.
Nenek tua banyak sakti.
Sekarang neneknak cari ganti.
Siapa yang kena,dia menjadi.
(Lucu!) (:

Cucu-cucu akan duduk mencangkung dengan senyap setelah itu. Si "nenek" pula akan menggunakan tongkat untuk menangkap si "cucu" yang terpilih. Si "nenek" harus meneka siapakah cucu yang dipilih. Jikalau tekaannya benar, si "cucu" itu akan menjadi "nenek" pula. Permainan diteruskan jikalau tekaannya salah! ((:

Permainan Melayu yang menarik dan lucu bukan? Hai.. teringat zaman kanak-kanak saya! Rindu pula kawan-kawan lama! (:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sepak Takraw

* this is position of  players

* this is ball of Sepak Takraw

Cap Teh

Quill football game known since ancient days. Can be proud of, this game until now is still the favorite to play and fill free time. Usually lelakilah children who love true with this game. More interesting because the game is played at any suitable time. Usually petanglah appropriate time to play. In terms of the selection of place, preferably open spaces that let the player movement is not restricted.

Regarding the use of chicken feathers, shape resembles a glance shuttlecocks available now. Preparation is not too complicated or time-consuming. Not too onerous in terms of capital. In fact it can be said anyone who wants to play able to make it your own. There should be 3, 4 or 5 pieces of chicken feathers are hard and medium-sized fastened to a piece of thick rubber. Can also use a rubber tire tube. The rubber first round cut to the size of the diameter of about 4 cm. Rubber glued laminated so thick. Then a short nail puncture in the middle of it. The nails serve as ballast and as a place to tie the base of chicken feathers. Then prepare the chicken feathers to play.

It's more fun playing en masse or in teams. If you're not there, both already be. Formerly, the evening at the villages, this game is preferred. Players can not be angry, do not miss amusement and makes court outburst. Now, although not as often as before, we still get to see the game's heritage. There are still children who turn on the game. At school, during break time, for instance, the availability of the students who show skill consider these feathers.

This game emphasizes skill with leg feathers weigh. Considering this game is to collect points race, players will consider feathers as often as possible without having to drop to the ground. The higher the number of weights, the terserlahlah skills of the players. So, the player must be quick feet movement. Maybe on to this, women do not like this game.

In terms of the rules, a player who managed to make many of weights that will be the champion. Feathers have in football with the inside edge of the heel or toe. In certain circumstances, the player is allowed to celebrate with head feathers, chest or knee. Not by hand as long as if their hands, players dikita "dead". However, weight is made other than the feet are not counted. Before the game started, the right to commence a game must be determined.

A satisfactory performance measured count reached three figures. The higher the count, more vibrantly play. Count was accompanied by sound of the crowd roaring. Players sticky spirit. Hopefully, feathers can continue properly weighed, not exploded and blown by strong winds. I hope the players do not accidentally stepped on roots or rocks and feathers fall to the ground.


Gasing is a game that can be rotated on its axis, while balancing on a point. Gasing is a traditional game of the Malays since time immemorial. Usually played after the harvest. Top game contested between the villages. Winner calculated based on the length of time capable of turning the top.
Bebaru tops made ​​of wood, yellow, merbau, rambai, durian or kundang. The wood will notched and scraped up into top shape.
Top strap is made from the bark of bebaru. But now the top rope made ​​of nylon rope. Long strap tops usually depends on the length of one's hand. Usually about 1 meter long. Coconut oil is used to facilitate the movement of the top rope.

Hide and Seek

Hide and seek or also known as the aci sorok is a game of hide the child who also played in Malaysia. This game is played with a number of players conceal themselves within the limits of a particular area and searched by one or more seekers. It can be played by children and it is very simple, with no limit on the number of players and do not require equipment. More people who play will bring more excitement and more eventful again. Normally one can hide most long considered the winner.